Educational Assistance for Socially Vulnerable Children

Laugh2heal (family and principal) is supporting the academic enrollment of children from families in precarious circumstances. Children from families living in poverty are often expected to contribute to the family income or to perform household tasks such as collecting wood, fetching water from wells, tending to the animals etc., rather than attending school.

The percentage of children out of primary school has continued to increase in recent years (from 21,9% in 2019 to 24,9% in 2021). This is a result of the worsening socio-political and security situation, that had led to numerous school closures and a high number of internally displaced people. Young girls are particularly affected due to socio-cultural realities.

Laugh2heal's financial support is managed by the Franciscaines Missionnaires de Marie. The Sisters select the beneficiaries, and, in particular, encourage families to send their children to school as an investment in a better future for the entire family.