Burkina Faso is one of the poorest countries in the world. It also has the lowest mean years of schooling of all countries for which data is available, a mere 1.4 years. The political and security situation has gradually worsened since 2014. Since the end of 2016, the security situation in northern Burkina Faso has deteriorated and remains highly volatile, with regular military interventions, terrorist attacks, targeted assassinations and kidnappings. The number of internally displaced persons, by conflict and violence has tripled over the 2019 to 2021 period. UNHCR
Beyond the hardship faced by this displaced population, the worsening security situation is putting the whole West African region at risk, in particular Ivory Coast, a country that has achieved significant progress in recent years.
Women and children are particularly at risk in this volatile security environment. Key indicators such as women life expectancy, female school enrollment (primary and secondary), etc. have worsened since 2019. Literacy rate of women stands at 37.8% (2021). The percentage of women in vulnerable employment is over 88%. (All data above from worldbank.org, latest data available WBG)